I'm still alive and kicking! I still cannot figure out the issue with my USB ports, so I am unable to upload any pictures unless I do it on a friends computer. So needless to say, uploading pictures has been scarce!
I have however, been painting a fair amount. I'm about halfway done with a brigade of 15mm Union Cavalry from Musket Miniatures. Not the greatest sculpts in the world, but they look decent on the gaming table once they are painted.
I've also got a few more 28mm Sash and Saber Confederate Infatry in various stages of progress.
The plan is to finish as much painting as possible while my wife and daughter are visiting friends in Florida this weekend, and then do a big photo shoot later in the week and have 3-4 posts worth of miniatures to share! I've also been researching another Civil War ancestor and will post that is well.