This is the husband of my second cousin, three times removed- He was a fifer for Company C, 8th Tennessee Infantry (US). He enlisted in Union County TN on February 1st 1863 when he was 22 years of age.
The 8th was part of the 1st (Reilly's) Brigade, 3rd (Cox's) Division, of the XXIII Corps for most of their involvement of the war. They were engaged in the Knoxville Campaign, the Atlanta Campaign, the Battles of Franklin and Nashville, and then finally in the Carolinas Campaign before being mustered out on June 30 1865.

Here he is later in life, I've tried unsuccessfully to identify his lapel pin. Any information anyone can provide would be most appreciated! He lived until 1936.

This last picture, surprisingly enough was found online while researching the 8th Tennessee! It is from the
8th Tennessee Reenacting group's website. I've tried unsuccessfully to get in touch with my relative that provided the picture to them but have yet to hear back from the website or anyone from that group. If you are affiliated with them or can point me in the right direction please get in touch with me. I'd love to be able to get connected with my relative and share what I know about our shared ancestor.
Many thanks to the
Tennessee and the Civil War website, and my relative who worked so hard on our family's genealogy.
Hello, just saw your comment and photos of david beeler, im a reenactor with the 8th tn, my email address is Jdevi4@aol.com and my home phone number is 423-337-4726, contact me and ill see hhow i can help you in contacting the guy who gave us the photo of David on our website, anytime you want to contact us, try using the forum its the best way to do it, thanks!
travis devine 8th tenn. us reenactor
Thanks Travis. E-mail sent.
David Rogers Beeler was my great great grandfather. May I ask where you obtained his Civil War picture with the fife and the portrait picture? Copies of those were given to very few family members. My email is katrse@aol.com
Try to email me again apparently received the email. Sorry for that and I'll try to help you again
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